Directed by the clarinetist Wataru Ohkuma, Cicala MVTA is a contemporary ensemble that plays the old style of Chindon music, or music played by marching bands. Their fusion with brass music, jazz, funk, punk, and even with Japanese folk music includes some influences of the Zeuhl music. Produced by Tatsuya Yoshida, who leads Koenjihyakkei, Cicala MVTA is a progressive band that incorporates impressive wind solos, the sound of violin, Chindong and gorosu to their songs and a vibrant live performance.
December 29, 2009
Cicala MVTA - The Chindon Avant Garde
December 27, 2009
Adrian Dutchin - New Soca From Guyana
After an intense search through the music from Guyana for several days, Adrian Dutchin came to me as a surprise with a beautiful Christmas song featured in Guyana Music Arts blog. Upon a little internet investigation, I knew this was the Guyanese artists I was looking for. A clever mix of soca rhythms, a very popular style in this country, with influences from R&B and chutney.
At the age of 22, he released his first album titled No limits, after his participation in several bands, including one called Seven which was dissolved. Recently, in 2009, he released an album called Finally. Dutchin was also nominated to the 2009 Accolade awards, nomination which, according to Guayana Music Arts, excited this talented artist. With Adrian Dutchin, Sound Energy Flux now has music from all the South American countries! Yaaayy! :D
December 25, 2009
Mari Boine Persen - The Sami Performer
Born in the Sami tribe in the region of Laponia, Norway, Mari Boine Persen wanted to sing, despite the beliefs of her people, who belong to the Laestadian sect, a fundamentalist christian cult. They used to consider that music was diabolical. Mari Boine researched the ancient traditions of Sami culture, found the shamanic chant and drums and mixed them with some African, Indian and South American instruments, trying always to keep the Sami essence.
December 23, 2009
Jackson C. Frank - The most unlucky musician of all time
Everything changed for the American folk singer Jackson Frank after a furnace exploded near his Elementary School, when he was 11 years old. Fifteen of his fellow students died, and he was hospitalized for seven months.
This event left a deep mark in Jackson’s life. His lack of self-confidence and depression increased steadily after a series of events following the recording of his first album, which was simply titled Jackson C. Frank.
The death of his first son caused his depressive tendencies to increase to the point of being committed to an institution. From this moment on, his life went down hills, having to live on the streets for many years, until one of old friends found him and helped him find a decent place to live.
Soon after this, Jackson was shot in the left eye by an stranger, blinding him, at the age of 55. One year later, Frank died of cardiac arrest and pneumonia.
By the way, the title of this post was taken from a Reddit post, where I knew about this singer. So thanks for that!
Inga & Anush – Musical Armenian Sisters
Sisters Inga and Anush Arshakyans studied music for several years before joining forces to create the phenomenal modern folk band named after themselves, Inga & Anush.
Anush, born in 1980, studied piano and vocals. Inga, born 2 years later (the same year than me :)) studied violin and also jazz vocals.
December 22, 2009
Cankisou - Intercultural Czech Music
The huge presence of the singer Karel Herman (literally a huge presence) and his powerful voice, gifted with a big tessitura is one of the first things that I listened from this band. But when instruments from Asian countries and a rock sound started, I realized that this Czech group was very atypical.
Cankisou, an experiment formed by seven musicians interested in world music, is a successful fusion band, which has played Mongolian and Pakistani sounds with heavy arrengements.