April 10, 2009

Carlinhos Brown - Brazil

Carlihnos BrownWhen Antonio Carlos Freitas, best known as Carlinhos Brown, was 20 years old, he had already composed singles to people like Sergio Mendes or Caetano Veloso. But when he came back to his neighborhood, a brazilian favela of Salvador do Bahia called Candeal, and knew that five friends had died in a police riot, he thought that music had saved him.

Afterwards, Brown, currently one of the most prolific brazilian musicians, created the Pracatum Popular Musical School, a conservatory that has helped boys and girls from poor ghettos. Carlinhos is not a conventional music star. In fact, he never abandoned his original neighborhood, and although he is a successful singer and percussionist, he still lives there and has built a recording studio and an a concert hall.

Yarahá (2008)

Brown, who has performed with bands like Sepultura, or artists like Caetano Veloso, was in the 90's the director of Timbalada, a group of 100 singers and percussionists. Later, he sang as soloist and recorded this song, A namorada, one of his best known hits. This song reminds me the music that was put on the radio when I was 10 years old.

A namorada (1996)


  1. En primer lugar felicitaciones por el blog, la idea es muy buena en el sentido en el que estás haciendo ALGO, diferente a esos blogs que se dedican a contar la patética biografía de su dueño (como el mío)... Y bueno Carlinhos Brown es uno de esos casos en los que lo que lo que más se conoció fue lo más paila. Todavía recuerdo cómo detestaba esa canción "Anamorada"... pero por otra parte, escucha uno otras cosas y se da cuenta de que todos tiene derecho a equivocarse.
    Offtopic: No te olvido y sí... tal vez debo dedicarte más tiempo. ¿Cuándo?

  2. Aclaro, aunque sobre, el comment iba dirigido a Sideral... oops!

  3. Your blog is great! Thank you! I have been looking for about two hours!
